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Sunday, December 5, 2010

deepholme guide

This guide will cover the Horde quests in Deepholm. I will cover 100% of the quests in the zone. Please note that this is based on a play through of the BETA version of the zone. Things can and probably will change. I will do my best to maintain the accuracy of the quests and objectives until finalized in the live version.
Everything in this guide can be done solo unless I specifically state otherwise. All of the level 80+ zones in Cataclysm make very heavy use of phasing as you progress through the zone. Be aware of this if you are trying to get a group for anything, as they may not be in the same phase as you are.
You will need to be able to use a flying mount in this zone. You have been warned.
I highly suggest you make use of the built-in quest tracking on the world map. I will describe as best I can where the NPCs and quest objectives are, but the objective tracking on the in game map will show you precisely where to go in most cases.
Please post and feedback, errors, or suggestions as comments.

Color Code

  • Quests
  • Items
  • [/b]Locations[/b]
  • Quest objectives to kill
  • NPCs
  • Coordinates

Table of Contents

  1. Getting to Deepholm
  2. The First Fragment
    1. Part 1
    2. Part 2
    3. Part 3
  3. The Second Fragment
  4. The Third Fragment
    1. Part 1
    2. Part 2
    3. Part 3
  5. Gateway to Uldum

Getting to Deepholm

1. If you completed Mt Hyjal, you will have the quest The Battle Is Won, The War Goes On. If so you can skip this step and go straight to Farseer Krogar.
Find the Warchief’s Command Board in the center of the Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar, right in front of Grommash Hold. Click it to accept the quest quest Warchief’s Command: Deepholm!. (49.7, 76.5)
2. Find Farseer Krogar in the portal area to the north. It is on a small rise north of the Valley of Wisdom [i](50.5, 38.4)
Speak to Farseer Krogar to turn in your quest.
3. Accept the followup, The Maelstrom. Krogar will open a portal to the Maelstrom. Enter the portal.
4. You will find yourself on a ridge overlooking The Maelstrom. Approach Thrall directly ahead of you. Don’t fall off.
5. Turn in The Maelstrom. Accept the follow-up Deepholm, Realm of Earth.
6. Turn around and hop on the Wyvern behind you. There will be a very cool event where you fly into the Maelstrom. You’ll wind up in Deepholm, landing at the Temple of Earth.

The First Fragment

1. Directly in front of you, turn in Deepholm, Realm of Earth to Maruut Stonebinder. Accept the followup in Gunship Down.
2. Get both quests from Seer Kormo, Elemental Energy and The Earth Claims All.
3. Head out of the temple. In the area just in front of the exit of the temple, use the Depleted Totem and kill the Energized Geodes and Lodestone Elementals near it. Repeat as necessary to complete Elemental Energy. You can find more of the required enemies to the east of the temple.
4. Fly to the Storm’s Fury wreckage at (55, 74). While in this area, kill 5 Deepstone Elementals for The Earth Claims All.
5. The ship is split in two. Fly inside the back half and find the corpse of Captain Skullshatter at (35.5, 73.Cool. Click on him to get the First Clue.
6. Next to him, click on the Captain’s Log to get the quest Captain’s Log.
7. The Second Clue is the Slain Cannoneer at (56.1, 74.2)
8. Find the Third Clue at (56.7, 76.4), on the ground just outside the front half of the wreckage.
9. Make sure you have finished killing 5 Deepstone Elementals.
10. Turn in Gunship Down and Captain’s Log to Maruut Stonebinder.
11. Turn in The Earth Claims All and Elemental Energy to Seer Kormo, right next to Maruut.
12. Accept Diplomacy First from Maruut Stonebinder.
13. Fly up to the Alliance Gunship. It patrols in the air along the east side of the Temple. You will find Stormcaller Mylra on the platform at the back of the ship.
14. Turn in Diplomacy First. Accept both of the follow-ups, All Our Friends Are Dead and The Admiral’s Cabin.
15. Find Slain Crew Members all around the ship. Use the Spirit Totem on them. They will either attack or simply tell you the information you are after. Do this a total of six times.
16. Head into the main cabin of the ship, directly under where Mylra was standing. You will find First Mate Moody to your left as you enter the cabin. Turn in The Admiral’s Cabin.
17. Accept Without a Captain or Crew.
Make sure you have completed All Our Friends Are Dead.
18. Go back up to Stormcaller Mylra. Turn in All Our Friends Are Dead. Accept the two follow-ups, Take No Prisoners and On Second Thought, Take One Prisoner.
19. The Coil of Rope is located near the front of the ship, above deck. Get it and then take the stairs in the center of the ship down.
20. The Bottle of Whiskey is on a table straight in front of you as you come down the stairs. Pick it up to complete Without a Captain or Crew.
30. Kill 6 Twilight Saboteurs while heading toward the front of the ship.
31. Sill on the lower level, at the front end of the airship, you will find Mor’norokk the Hateful. Attack him until he “surrenders”. As soon as you try to talk to him he grabs you threatens to drop you from the ship. Mylra will come rescue you. When you can move again, head back to the main deck of the ship. I suggest using your flying mount just to be safe.
32. Go back into the cabin, and turn in Without a Captain or Crew.
33. Head up to the upper deck and turn in Take No Prisoners and On Second Thought, Take One Prisoner to Stormcaller Mylra. Accept Some Spraining to Do.
34. Hop on Stormbeak, the gryphon next to Mylra. Watch the short event. When you are back on the ship, turn in Some Spraining to Do. Accept Return to the Temple of Earth.
35. Fly back to the Temple of Earth. Turn in Accept Return to the Temple of Earth to Maruut Stonebinder. Accept Deathwing’s Fall.
36. From Seer Kormo, accept Blood of the Earthwarder
37. Leave the temple and go to The Blood Trail, around (53.4, 59.4). All along the chain of small lava pools you will find Living Blood. Kill them until you have collected 5 Blood of Neltharion.

1. When you have finished, mount up and follow The Blood Trail until you reach Deathwing’s Fall. You will get the quest complete message at about (59, 58.5). Click on the notification to turn in the quest Deathwing’s Fall. Accept the next quest, Bleed the Bloodshaper.
2. Find and kill a Twilight Bloodshaper in the area around Deathwing’s Fall. He should drop the Twilight Orders. Loot them and click the quest complete notification to turn in Bleed the Bloodshaper.
3. Accept the quest that is offered to you, Question the Slaves.
4. The key you need is in a small tent at (62.8, 59.6). Collect it from the chest here.
5. Mount up and fly to quarry just to the southeast. Free 6 Enslaved Miners to complete Question the Slaves. Turn in the quest using the notification box.
6. Accept The Forgemaster’s Log.
7. Fine the Forgemaster’s Log at the top of a tower at (63.8, 55.4)[i]. Pick it up , then turn in the quest. Accept Silvermarsh Rendevous..
8. Fly up and to the southwest to Upper Silvermarsh at [i](70, 59)
9. Turn in Silvermarsh Rendevous and accept Quicksilver Submersion.
10. Find and kill a Mercurial Ooze. It will drop Maziel’s Research. Use this to begin the quest Twilight Research.
From now on kill any Mercurial Ooze you see until you get 4 Twilight Research Notes.
11. Head toward (71.7, 64.2), killing oozes along the way if you still need them. Loot a Trogg Crate from the ground here. A trogg will come out and attack you but shouldn’t pose a problem.
12. Use the Trogg Crate to put it on your head, then head to about (75.5, 64.7). You should be in the mercury pond. You need to get close to the Forgemaster’s camp, but not too close. Watch the conversation that happens. Swim away once you get the quest complete message.
Click on the notification box to turn in Quicksilver Submersion and accept The Twilight Overlook.
13. If you haven’t already, finish collecting Twilight Research Notes. Click the notification box to turn in Twilight Research. Accept the follow-up, Maziel’s Revelation.
14. Fly to Lower Silvermarsh. Find Maziel’s Journal at (67.2, 70.2). Click it to turn in Maziel’s Revelation. Accept Maziel’s Ascendancy.
15. Maziel is inside the cave just east of where the journal was located. Enter the cave and take the left fork when the path spits. Maziel is located on an island in the middle of a small pond. Kill him to complete Maziel’s Ascendancy. Use the notification box to turn it in.

1. Fly south and a bit west, to (64.5, 82), where you will find Stormcaller Mylra waiting for you. Turn in The Twilight Overlook.
2. Two quests will open up. Accept both Big Game, Big Bait and To Catch a Dragon.
3. Head east to the Alabaster Shelf. Kill 5 Jadecrest Basilisk and use Mylra’s Knife on their corpses. Do this 5 times to completeBig Game, Big Bait.
4. While collecting basilisk meat, find and kill Twilight Dragonstalkers until you get a Twilight Snare.
Return to Stormcaller Mylra once you have completed both quests.
5. Turn in Big Game, Big Bait and To Catch a Dragon.
Accept Testing the Trap.
6. Fly far west, to the Matriarch’s Feeding Grounds at (50.9, 85.3). Use the Trapped basilisk Meat in the center of the feeding ground to bring the Stonescale Matriarch down.
She is a level 82 elite, and can hit quite hard. The trick to beating her is to rotate around her while doing damage, only staying in one spot as long as is necessary. This is simple if you are playing a melee class. Casters should only cast 2 or 3 spells before moving to a different position.
Once she is dead, return to Stonecaller Mylra.
7. Turn in Testing the Trap.
Accept Abyssion’s Minions.
8. From Seer Galekk, accept Block the Gates.
9. Fly northwest to Abyssion’s Lair
10. While you are in this area, kill any of the cultists or dragonspawn until you complete Abyssion’s Minions.
11. Fly to the Twilight Gate at (68.7, 75.1) and use the Stormstone to seal it.
12. Next, fly to the Elemental Gate at (71, 75) and seal it with the Stormstone.
13. Make sure you have completed Abyssion’s Minions, then fly back to Stormcaller Mylra.
14. Turn in both quests. From Stormcaller Mylra accept The World Pillar Fragment.
15. Fly to the center of Abyssion’s Lair (70,77). Use the Earthen Ring Banner there to summon Abyssion. You will fight him the same way that you fought the Stonescale Matriarch. You will also have some NPCs there to help you out. When you see the warning that Abyssion is casting a powerful shadow nova, run away, preferably behind the pillar. It hits for about 20k, which could kill you if you are low.
Once he is dead, loot the First World Pillar Fragment from the ground.
16. Return to the Temple of Earth and turn in Blood of the Earthwarder to Seer Kormo.
17. Turn in The World Pillar Fragment to Maruut Stonebinder.

The Second Fragment

1. From Earthcaller Yevaa get Where’s Goldmine?.
2. Leave the Temple and start going to the west around the outside. Find Initiate Goldmine at (46.5, 57.3). Turn in Where’s Goldmine?.
3. Pick up the two follow up quests he has, Explosive Bonding Compound and Something that Burns.
4. Kill Rockslice Flayers in the area to the west until you have 5 White Stone Resin.
5. Fly east, to about (54, 59), where you will find The Blood Trail. Use Goldmine’s Fire Totem in any of the lava pools here to summon Magmatooth.
Kill him and loot The Burning Heart to complete Something that Burns.
6. Return to Initiate Goldmine. Turn in Explosive Bonding Compound and Something that Burns.
Accept the followup, Apply and Flash Dry.
7. Use the Explosive Bonding Compound on Flint Oremantle, who is lying on the ground next to Goldmine. Turn in Apply and Flash Dry.
8. Accept Take Him to the Earthcaller. Return to the Temple of Earth. Flint Oremantle will follow you.
9. Turn in Take Him to the Earthcaller to Earthcaller Yevaa. Accept To Stone Hearth’s Aid.
10. Fly to Stonehearth. Find Crag Rockcrusher(27.9, 68.Cool. Turn in To Stone Hearth’s Aid.
Accept the follow-up The Quaking Fields.
11. Go to Slate Quicksand at (30.6, 77.7). Turn in The Quaking Fields.
12. Accept both the quests that are now available. The Axe of Earthly Sundering and Elemental Ore.
13. Kill Jade Ragers in the area until you get 6 Elemental Ore.
14. Find an Emerald Colossus and use The Axe of Earthly Sundering. It will turn into a Sundered Emerald Colossus, which if far easier to kill. Do this 5 times.
15. Return to Slate Quicksand and turn in both quests. Accept One With the Ground.
16. Talk to Slate and tell him you are ready to complete the ritual. You will go tunneling through the ground into Avalanchion’s Vault.
You’ll pop out of the ground right in front of Avalanchion.
17. Click the notification box to turn in One With the Ground. Accept the followup, Bring Down the Avalanche.
18. Kill Avalanchion. Once he is dead, leave the cave and return to Crag Rockcrusher at Stonehearth.
19. Turn Bring Down the Avalanche. Accept Stonefather’s Boon.
20. Up on a hill to the right of Crag Rockcrusher you will find Earthbreaker Dolomite. Speak to him to accept the quest We’re Surrounded.
21. Go to where the Earthen are fighting the troggs, just southwest of where Dolomite is. Use the Stonefather’s Banner near any Stonehearth Defenders and kill any Stone Trogg Ambushers until you complete both of the quests you have.
22. Return to Earthbreaker Dolomite and turn in We’re Surrounded. Accept Thunder Stones.
23. Turn in Stonefather’s Boon at Crag Rockcrusher. Accept Sealing the Way.
24. While completing Sealing the Way, collect 12 Thunder Stones.

25. Just northwest from Crag, you will find the first Earthen Geomancer (27.3, 67.Cool. Kill any troggs that are attacking him, then use the Rockslide Reagent on him to seal the building. You will repeat this at the other 3 Earthen Geomancers.
26. The second Earthen Geomancer is at (26, 68.Cool.
27. The third Geomancer can be found at (26.2, 69.9).
28. The final Geomancer is located at (27.3, 70.1).
29. When you have completed both quests, fly to Gravel Longslab at (24.5, 62.4). Turn in Sealing the Way.
30. Accept Shatter Them!.
31. Turn in Thunder Stones to Clay Mudaxle, who is just northeast of Gravel.
32. Accept Fixer Upper.
32. Earthmender Deepvein should now have a quest available. Accept Accept Battlefront Triage.
33. Kill 12 Stone Troggs[b] while completing the other two quests. It does not matter which kind, although you may want to avoid the Needlerock Riders. They ride on the back of basilisks and you will have to kill both..
34. Collect 6 Catapult Parts. They are on the ground all over the battlefield.

35. Find and Injured Earthen and use Deepvein’s Patch Kit on him to revive him. Do this 10 times.

36. Return to Earthmender Deepvein. Turn in [b]Battlefront Triage
37. Turn in Fixer Upper to Clay Mudaxle.Turn in Shatter Them! to Gravel Longslab.
38. Finally, turn in Shatter Them! to Gravel Longslab.
Accept the follow-up, Troggzor the Earthinator.
39. Troggzor is located on a small rise at (22.6, 56.9). Kill him ant loot The Earthinator’s Cudgel.
Return to Gravel Longslab.
40. Turn in Troggzor the Earthinator.
41. From Clay Mudaxle, accept Rush Delivery.
42. You will find Peak Grindstone next to the busted catapult at (20.7, 61.5). Turn in [=#cc9933]Rush Delivery[/.
43. Accept the follow-up, [color=#cc9933]Close Escort[/]. Talk to Peak and let him know you are ready.
This is a standard escort quest. Just follow the catapult as it works its way to your destination. You will be attacked by 3 packs of troggs along the way. The catapult will help take them out, and none of them are at all difficult.
44. Turn in Close Escort to Pyrium Lodestone. Accept Keep Them off the Front.
45. Hop in one of the catapults to the left of Pyrium. Kill anything that moves until the quest is complete. When you are finished, turn in the quest.
46. Accept Reactivate the Construct from Pyrium and Mystic Masters from Flint Oremantle, right next to Pyrium.
47. Get on your flying mount and head into the area just north of the front, past where all the troggs and Fungal Terrors spawn. (24, 48).
48. In this area, you need to kill 5 Needlerock Mystics and reactivate 5 Deactivated War Constructs. This is done simply by clicking on them.
49. Return to the battlefront and turn in both quests. Accept Down Into the Chasm from Pyrium Lodestone.
50. Mount up and fly to (27.6, 44.Cool where you will find Slate Quicksand. Turn in Down Into the Chasm and accept the two follow-ups, Sprout No More and Fungal Monstrosities.
51. Click the War Guardian next to Slate to get one to follow you. Head north, into the lower part of Needlerock Chasm.
52. Kill 5 Fungal Monstrosities. While doing that, find 5 Giant Mushrooms and click on them to destroy them. Your War Guardian will tank for you if you let him hit things for a few seconds before you start attacking.
When you have finished both quests, return to Slate Quicksand and turn both of them in.
53. Accept and A Slight Problem. Fly back to Pyrium Lodestone at the battlefront near Needlerock Slag.
54. Turn in A Slight Problem and accept Rescue the Stonefather…and Flint.
55. You will find Flint Oremantle fighting Bouldergut in the upper part of Needlerock Chasm, at approximately (24, 31). Land and help Flint kill the Stone Trogg Chieftan. After he is dead, the the Stonefather freed, return to Pyrium Lodestone at Needlerock Slag.
56. Turn in Rescue the Stonefather…and Flint. Accept The Hero Returns.
57. Fly back to Stonehearth, where Crag Rockcrusher is. You will now find Stonefather Oremantle and Flint Oremantle there. Turn in The Hero Returns.
58. Accept The Middle Fragment. Click on the vault door behind the Stonefather to retrieve the fragment.
Fly back to the Temple of Earth. Turn in The Middle Fragment to Earthcaller Yevaa.

The Third Fragment

1. Speak to Maruut Stonebinder. Accept The Very Earth Beneath Our Feet.
2. Leave the temple and hear around to the northwest side, where you will find Earthcaller Torunscar. Turn in The Very Earth Beneath Our Feet. (46.1, 45.7)
3. Accept both the quests now available from him, Crumbling Defenses and On Even Ground.
4. Accept Core of Our Troubles from Earthmender Norsala, right behind Torunscar.
5. Kill Irestone Rumblers until you have 6 Irestone Cores.
6. Use the Elementium Grapple Line on a Servant of Therazane then run away from it to knock it down. Once it has toppled, finish killing it.
Do this 3 times for On Even Ground.
7. Go to the three shaman and help them finish off whatever they are fighting. They will move around slightly, so the coordinates below are approximate. Any that you have not relieved yet will be marked by a large blue arrow.
Hargoth Dimblaze is near (48, 43)
Stormcaller Mylra is near (44, 44)
Tawn Winterbluff is near (44, 41)
8. Return to Earthcaller Torunscar. Turn in Crumbling Defenses and On Even Ground.
9. Turn in Core of Our Troubles to Earthmender Norsala. Accept the follow-up, Imposing Confrontation.
10. You will find Boden the Imposing walking around near (49, 40). Make sure you are at or near full health. Land somewhat close to him and use the Earthen Ring Proclamation.
After he pretty much laughs in your face, return to Earthmender Norsala and turn in the quest.
11. Accept Rocky Relations.
12. Fly to Diamant the Patient.(56.5, 42.7)
Turn in Rocky Relations.
13. Accept both quests he offers you, Hatred Runs Deep and Unsolid Ground.
14. Get the quest Loose Stones from the Quartz Stonetender, who is standing in the same area as Diamant. (56.5, 41.2)
15. Go into Lorthuna’s Gate, which is the Twilight’s Hammer area just east of Diamant.
16. Kill any 12 of the cultists in the area.
17. While doing that, collect 6 Jade Crystal Clusters.
18. Also, use the Delicate Chain Smasher to free 6 Quartz Rocklings.
19. Once you have finished the steps above, go to (60.2, 39.5) and kill Dragul Giantbutcher.
20. Go to an open area of the camp. Use the 6 Jade Crystal Clusters you collected to turn them into a Jade Crystal Composite. Then use the Jade Crystal Composite to summon an Aggitated Tunneler. Mount up as soon as you get the quest complete message. You don’t want to be nearby when the rockworm emerges.
21. Return to the Quartz Stonetender and turn in Loose Stones.
22. Turn in the other two completed quests to Diamant the Patient.
Accept Violent Gale.
23. Fly northwest to the Scoured Reach. You will find Felsen the Enduring there, at about (52, 32). Get close enough that he starts talking to you.
24. Follow his instructions by flying northeast to the entrance of the Crumbling Depths (58, 25.Cool. As soon as you get close enough to the entrance, Violent Gale will auto-complete. Click the notification box to turn it in.
Accept the follow-up you are offered, Depth of the Depths.
25. Head into the Crumbling Depths. I wish I had a map of this place as it would make things much easier.
Follow the main path until you reach a fork. Stay back a bit from the path that goes left and right from the main tunnel. You actually can’t go left, because it is blocked. Wait for the Colossal Gyreworm to go by then start running down the right fork. Follow this around until you reach a small branch to you right. Duck into this and wait for the elite to path by again, then continue up the tunnel, following the elite. Take the next right.
You will find yourself in a large chamber. Hug the wall to your right until you enter a short tunnel. Follow this to another chamber. Keep hugging the right wall and enter the first tunnel you come to. This will lead to the chamber with the stone you are looking for.
Click on the stone in the center of the chamber to turn in Depth of the Depths. You will be offered a follow-up, A Rock Amongst Many.
26. Don’t go back the way you came. Take the exit directly in front of you, into another tunnel. Keep the wall on your right side as you follow this tunnel. At the end of it, you will drop down into the large central chamber. To your left is the circular tunnel that the Colossal Gyreworm paths around. Wait for him to go by, then follow him down the right fork. There will be some stones blocking the way, but they can be hopped over. Take the first right you can, and follow this tunnel all the way to the exit.
Once you are out of the Crumbling Depths, mount up and fly back to Diamant, near Lorthuna’s Gate.
27. Turn in A Rock Amongst Many. Accept Entrenched.

1. Fly across the zone, to (34.4, 34.4), where you will find Kor the Immovable. Turn in Entrenched.
2. Accept both quests that are now available, Intervention and Making Things Crystal Clear.
3. Accept Putting the Pieces Together from Berracite, right next to Kor.
4. Head into the area west of Kor. Kill 12 Jaspertip flayers in the area.
5. While doing that, click on the remains of Dormant Stonebound Elementals to reform them. You need to do this 6 times.
6. Also, collect any Chalky Crystal Formations you see on the ground until you have 8. You can also sometimes loot them from the flayers you have killed.
One all three quests are complete, return to Kor.
7. Turn in Putting the Pieces Together to Berracite.
8. Turn both remaining quests to Kor. Get the quest Pebble.
9. Look around. There should be a small earth elemental named Pebble standing near you. Talk to him to turn in the quest and accept his follow-up, Clingy.
10. Mount up and fly to the large green crystal formation to the south. Don’t worry about Pebble, he may run off. Land at about (30, 46.Cool. Land and wait for Pebble to show up. Pebble will begin “harvesting” the crystal. This will attract a group of flayers. Once you have killed all of them, you should get the quest completed message. Speak to Pebble to turn in Clingy.
Accept the follow-up, So Big, So Round….
11. Fly back to Kor the Immovable]. Turn in So Big, So Round….
12. Accept the two quests now available from Kor, Petrified Delicacies and Rock Bottom.
13. Head to the shelf to the northeast. Loot any Petrified Bats off the ground. The basilisks in the area can also drop them. Once you have collect 12 Petrified bats, turn in Petrified Delicacies to Pebble, who should still be following you around.
14. Find Gorgonite, a large basilisk, at (47.5, 27). Kill him to complete Rock Bottom. A Son of Kor will show up to help out. Try to dodge the boulders he chucks. If you get the message that Gorgonite’s eyes begin to glow, you must quickly break line-of-sight with him or you will be stunned for several seconds.
15. Fly back to Kor to turn in the quest. Take both quests he offers you, Steady Hand and Rocky Upheaval.
16. Fly up to the Pale Roost. You will find Terrath the Steady at the center of the area. (40, 19.5)
17. Turn in Steady Hand. Accept Don’t. Stop. Moving..
18. You need to do this on a ground mount. Speak to Terrath and tell him you are ready. A group of Opalescent Guardians will spawn. This group will follow you and you need to get 5 across the eastern section of the Pale Roost, past all the stone dragons. The best way I have found is to run northwest to about (42.5, 13.Cool, then head directly east to the stone circle at (50.6, 13.Cool.
If you don’t get 5 safely to the circle, go back to Terrath and he will give you more to escort. Just keep doing it until you get 5 across.
19. Once you have completed the quest, return to Terrath and turn in Don’t. Stop. Moving..
20. Pick up both available quests, Hard Falls and Fragile Values.
21. Go west, out into the Pale Roost. You will see Stone Dragons falling to the ground. Attack them before they manage to take off again. They should be at half health, so it shouldn’t be too difficult. Kill 6 to complete Hard Falls.
22. Search the area until you find two stone troggs with a basilisk in a net. Kill the two troggs and loot them to get a Stonework Mallet.
23. Return to Terrath the Steady. Turn in both quests. Accept Resonating Blows.
Fly west to the Pale Resonating Crystal (32.6, 24.3). Use the Stonework Mallet on the crystal to summon the Aeosera, The Stone Dragon Brood Mother. Terrath will come and toss you up onto some floating rocks. Jump from rock to rock until you reach a cluster of rocks all on the same level.
You will attack Aeosera from these rocks. When she targets the platform you are standing on, jump to another and continue to attack. Continue attacking and jumping from rock to rock until she surrenders.
24. Return to to Terrath the Steady and turn in Resonating Blows.

1. Fly to (72.3, 54.1) where you will find Gorsik the Tumultuous. Turn in Rocky Upheaval.
2. Gorsik will now have three quests available for you. Accept [bDoomshrooms[/b], Gone Soft, and Familiar Intruders.
3. While completing the next steps, kill Fungal Behemoths[/b[ and [b]Doomshrooms.
4. Go north until you find [=#4169e1Windspeaker Lorvarius[/color] (71.8, 47.6)[i]. Speak to him to turn in Familiar Intruders.. Accept Wrath of the Fungalmancer.
5. Accept the follow-up quest, A Head Full of Wind. You will have a little tornado following you around for a bit.
6. Wander around the Crimson Expanse, killing mushrooms and Behemoths, until you find a cloud of red mist floating around. Run into it to let the tornado pick it up. You will get a debuff that will cause some minor damage, but it is nothing to worry about.
7. Return to [=#4169e1Windspeaker Lorvarius[/color]. Turn in A Head Full of Wind.
8. If you have not already done so, finish killing Fungal Behemoths[/b[ and [b]Doomshrooms until both [bDoomshrooms[/b] and Gone Soft are complete.
9. Go back to Gorsik the Tumultuous. Turn in all your quests.
10. Accept Shaken and Stirred and Corruption Destruction.
11. Find Ruberik at [i](68.5, 26.3)
12. Right behind Ruberick, you may have notice there are troggs raining from the sky. Kill 8 of these Verlock Pillartumblers to complete Shaken and Stirred.
13. Go in the direction Ruberick is facing, until you enter Fungal Deep. Follow the cave down until you run into Earthmender Norsala. If you reach a point where the path splits off in different directions, it means someone else is doing the event. Wait a couple minutes and she should re-appear.
14. Speak to Norsala and let her know you are ready to start the event. She will run forward and confront Fungalmancer Glop. He will start whining and run off. Follow him, attacking when you can.
He’ll lead you on a merry chase through his cave, stopping a couple times. Be sure to watch out for the mushrooms he throws each time he stops. They will start small and begin growing, eventually exploding for a moderate amount of damage that hits everyone within 5 yards or so. You can stop this by attacking the mushrooms.
Once Glop makes his last stand and is finished off, take the path to your left, then turn right to head out of the cave.
15. Turn in Accept Wrath of the Fungalmancer to Ruberik.
16. Fly up and east, to the area around (73, 27). Find 8 of the Verlok Miracle-Grow, which will be on the ground and in crates all over this area.

17. Return to Gorsik the Tumultuous. Turn in Shaken and Stirred and Corruption Destruction.
18. Accept At the Stonemother’s Call.
19. Fly far to the north, to Therazane’s Throne(56.3, 12.2). Speak with Therazane and turn in At the Stonemother’s Call. Accept the follow-up, Audience with the Stonemother. Watch the mini-event that takes place.
20. Turn in Audience with the Stonemother to Earthcaller Torunscar. He is off to the side and toward the back of Therazane’s Throne.
Accept Rallying the Earthen Ring.
21. Return to the Temple of Earth. Go into either of the two rooms near the back and talk to members of the Earthen Ring to get them to head off to the fight. You need to talk to 5 total to complete the quest.
When you are finished, turn in Rallying the Earthen Ring to Maruut Stonebinder.
22. Accept Our Part of the Bargain. It’s time to fight the Twilight Hammer again, except this time we have some help. Fly to the Halcyon Egress and fine Therazane at (63.3, 25).
23. Turn in Our Part of the Bargain. Accept both quests now offered to you, The Stone March and Therazane’s Mercy.
24. Find Boden the Imposing just to the south. Accept The Twilight Flight.
25. While completing the other two quests, kill any 15 Twilight Cultists.
26. Go south to the tower near (62.5, 31). At the very top of the towner, you will find High Priestess Lorthuna. She does not hit hard at all, but will periodically cast a voidzone-like spell that you should move out off before it goes off.
When her health gets low, she will run off. Don’t worry, you’ll run into her again soon.
27. Once you are finished with her, head west, killing cultists as you go, until you find Boldrich Stonerender. Kill him to complet Therazane’s Mercy.
28. After you finish off Boldrich, hed south and a little east to where Zoltrik Drakebane is holed up. (63.2, 38)
He’ll fight like normal until his health gets down to around 75%. At that point, he will slow you then run away, to a waiting dragon. Luckily, one of the Stone Dragons shows up to give you a way to chase him.
You don’t have to steer, and in fact will not be on your dragon for very long. Almost as soon as you take off after him, you will be prompted to use the one “vehicle” ability you have to leap over to Zoltrik’s dragon. Do so and continue to fight Zoltrik.
It is possible to kill him while still on the dragon, but if you cannot he will eventually force you both onto a floating boulder. At this point, it is just a straight-forward fight until he dies. He is an elite, so he has a lot of health, but doesn’t hit any harder than an average mob.
Once he is dead, mount up and fly back to where you started the fight.
29. Terath the Steady will be standing near Zoltrik’s hut. Turn in The Twilight Flight.
30. Make sure you have finished killing 15 Twilight Cultist, is you have not done so already.
31. Fly north, back to Therazane. Turn in your two remaining quests , The Stone March and Therazane’s Mercy.
32. Accept Word in Stone. Congradulations, you have secured the third world pillar fragment. All that is left is to complete the ritual to repair the world pillar.
33. Fly back to the Temple of Earth. Speak to Maruut Stonebinder one last time and turn in Word in Stone.
34. Of course, the Twilight Cultists will try to stop the ritual. Accept Undying Twilight.
35. This quest will require you to kill 12 of the Twilight Cultists invading the temple, as well as Desicrated Earthrager they brought as backup. They will come from portals located in the back rooms of the Temple.
36. There are plenty of NPCs around that will help out, especially with the Earthrager, which is an elite. Once you have killed the requisite number of enemies, a Quest Complete notification will appear. Click it to turn in Undying Twilight.
37. You will be automatically offered the follow-up, where we get to finish off High Priestess Lorthuna. Accept the quest and return to the main chamber of the Temple.
38. When you have arrived, you will see that everything is a bit chaotic. Find High Priestess Lorthuna and start beating her down. She will occasionally teleport around the room, and periodically will go to the top of one of the nearby broken pillars and begin casting a powerful spell. When she does this, run behind the pillar she is standing on, so she is not facing you.
At about 70% health, she will turn herself into a giant elemental. Nothing really changes about the fight other than her appearance. Keep pounding away.
Near 25%, Therazane will show up and help out, as long as you keep Lorthuna near the front of the Temple. With the Stonemother helping, Lorthuna goes down fast.
Once she dies, you will get a short scene showing the completion of the ritual to repair the world pillar.
39. When you have control of your character again, speak to Earthcaller Torunscar to turn in The Binding.
40. Speak to Therazane and accept the quest The Stone Throne. She also has the quest Wayward Child, which sends you into Stonecore, the 5-man dungeon in this zone. Feel free to pick up this quest so that you can do it when you run the instance, however that will not be covered here.
41. The Stone Throne will open up the Daily Quest hub in Deepholm. So fly back to Therazane’s Throne and turn it in. You can do this now, or at a later time. It is not required to continue. The next section starts at the Temple of Earth, so make sure you go back if you choose to do either of these optional quests.

Gateway to Uldum

1. Inside the temple, head northwest into the Reliquary. Get the quest
The Twilight Plot from Examiner Rowe.
2. Right next to him, get in Fly Over from Reliquary Jes’ca Darksun.
3. Mount up and fly to the [=#33cc00]Twilight Terrace[/bcolor] (41, 69).
4. Land and kill any of the Twilight cultists in the area until you get the Twilight Terrace Plans.
5. Fly to the Titan Waygate at (39.1, 73.9) to complete Fly Over.
6. Fly back to the Temple. Find Examiner Rowe and Reliquary Jes’ca Darksun in the Reliquary. Turn in The Twilight Plot to Roweand Fly Over to Jes’ca.
7. Accept in Fight Fire and Water and Air With… and Decryption Made Easy.
8. Fly back up to the Twilight Terrace. Look for the One-Time Decryption Engines. Use them to decrypt the Twilight Plans. Do this 6 times.
9. While you are doing that, go to (40.8, 66.3) and kill the Bound Water Elemental.
10. Next go to (36.1,67.4) and kill the Bound Fire Elemental
11. Finally, go to (40.5, 72.4) and kill the Bound Air Elemental.
12. You should have complete Decryption Made Easy by this point. Click the Quest Complete notification that came up to turn it in. Accept The Wrong Sequence.
13. You should be right next to the Titan Waygate. If not, go there now and use the Waygate Contoller located directly in front of the Waygate to destroy it.
14. Now, having killed the three Bound Elementals, you are basically immune to almost everything Haethen Kaul can do to you. He is located on a small floating platform above the Twilight Terrace, at (40, 62.2).
15. Fly up there and attack Kaul. The only thing he has that can hurt you is his earth magic, and that does not hit hard at all. Kill Kaul to complete Fight Fire and Water and Air With….
16. Fly back to the Temple of Earth. Return to Examiner Rowe and Reliquary Jes’ca Darksun.
17. Turn in Fight Fire and Water and Air With… to Reliquary Jes’ca Darksun.
18. Finally, turn in The Wrong Sequence to Examiner Rowe. Accept That’s No Pyramid!.
19. Go back into the main chamber of the Temple and take the portal in the southeast alcove to return to Orgimmar.

hyjill guide

This guide will cover the Horde quests in Mt Hyjal. I will cover 100% of the quests in the zone. Please note that this is based on a play through of the BETA version of the zone. Things can and probably will change. I will do my best to maintain the accuracy of the quests and objectives until finalized in the live version.
Everything in this guide can be done solo unless I specifically state otherwise. All of the level 80+ zones in Cataclysm make very heavy use of phasing as you progress through the zone. Be aware of this if you are trying to get a group for anything, as they may not be in the same phase as you are.
You will need to be able to use a flying mount in a couple places in this zone. You have been warned.
I will add coordinates to the guide once Blizzard allows for the use of addons in the beta realms.
I highly suggest you make use to the built-in quest tracking on the world map. I will describe as best I can where the NPCs and quest objectives are, but the objective tracking on the in game map will show you precisely where to go in most cases.
Please post and feedback, errors, or suggestions as comments.

Color Code

  • Quests
  • Items
  • [/b]Locations[/b]
  • Quest objectives to kill
  • NPCs
  • Coordinates

Table of Contents

  1. Getting to Mt Hyjal
  2. Nordrassil - The World Tree
  3. The Verdant Thicket
  4. Shrine of Goldrinn
  5. Shrine of Aviana
  6. Grove of Aessina
  7. Sanctuary of Malorne
  8. The Scorched Plain
  9. Darkwhisper Gorge
  10. The Throne of Flame

Getting to Mt Hyjal

1. Find the Warchief’s Command Board. Click on it and take the quest Warchief’s Command: Mount Hyjal.
2. Find Cenarion Emissary Blackhoof in the Tauren District of Orgrimmar. Speak to him to be teleported to Moonglade.
3. Speak to Emissary Windsong. Turn in Warchief’s Command: Mount Hyjal and get the quest As Hyjal Burns.
4. Go over to Aronus, the green dragon hovering right next to where you are at and hop on. You will go through a scripted flyby of Mt Hyjal, and land under the World Tree.

Nordrassil - The World Tree

1. Enter the building in front of you and speak to Ysera to turn in As Hyjal Burns. Accept Protect the World Tree.
2. Speak to Sebelia right next to the door to set your hearthstone here.
3 . Exit the building. Directly in front of you, accept The Earth Rises from Anren Shadowseeker. Also get Inciting the Elements from Tholo Whitehoof.
4. Head northeast up the road. Kill any Scalding Rock Elementls nearby. While doing that, collect 4 Juniper Berries from the small bushes in the area.

5. Find one of the Faerie Dragons in the same area as the elementals. Use one of the Juniper Berries you collected on the Faerie Dragon and it will lead you to a Twilight Inciter, who will attack you. Repeat this 3 more times to complete Inciting the Elements. Also continue to kill Scalding Rock Elementls until you complete The Earth Rises.
6. Return to Anren Shadowseeker and turn in The Earth Rises.
7. Turn in Inciting the Elements at Tholo Whitehoof right next to you. Accept the follow up Flames From Above. You will receive Tholo's Horn.
8. From the two NPCs, follow the road west to Fayran Elthas. Get the Flight Point.
9. Go to the Twilight Encampment northwest of the flight point. Use Tholo's Horn in the center of the encampment to complete Flames From Above.
Go back to Tholo Whitehoof and turn it in.

The Verdant Thicket

1. Get on your flying mount and fly southwest until you meet up with the road. If you prefer to use a ground mount, follow the road that heads east and curves around the Well of Eternity. Continue to follow this road to (?,?). Malfurion Stormrage and Windspeaker Tamila should be standing in a small shrine. Speak to Malfurion to turn in Protect the World Tree.
2. Get War on the Twilight's Hammer from Malfurion Stormrage.
3. Get both quest and The Flameseer's Staff from Windseeker Tamila .
4. Kill 4 Twilight Flamecallers and 10 Twilight Vanquishers for War on the Twilight's Hammer in the area just north. While doing this, pick up 8 Charred Staff Fragments for The Flameseer's Staff. Stay away from The Circle of Cinders for now.
5. Return to Malfurion Stormrage and turn in The Flameseer's Staff and War on the Twilight's Hammer. Accept the followup quest Flamebreaker.
6. Use the Flameseer's Staff on the Blazebound Elementals in the charred areas around The Verdant Thicket. This will break up the elementals into 8-10 smaller elementals. Kill these Unbound Flame Spirits.
Repeat until Flamebreaker is complete. Return to Malfurion Stormrage to turn in the quest.
7. Accept The Return of Baron Geddon.
8. Go The Circle of Cinders, where you will find Baron Geddon. You need to use the Flameseer's Staff on him. Every 10 seconds or so, he will begin to channel an AOE fire effect that will hurt you badly, forcing you to move away. When the fire dies down, run back in and use the staff again. Do this until The Return of Baron Geddon is complete.
As soon as the quest is complete, Baron Geddon will cast Living Bomb on you. After about 10 seconds, you will blow up, causing you to fly into the air (you will take some falling damage) and dealing damage to anyone around you. So get away from everyone until it goes off.
Mount up and return to Malfurion. Turn in The Return of Baron Geddon.
9. From WIndspeaker Tamila, accept [81Emerald Allies
10. Find Alysra at the Ruins of Lar’donir. Turn in Emerald Allies. Accept The Captured Scout.
11. Scout Larandia is located in a cage in the back of the Twilight Command Post. Speak to her to turn in The Captured Scout. Accept Twilight Captivity.
12. Find and kill a Twilight Overseer. They are the two-headed ogres inside the Twilight Command Post. Loot the key off of him to complete Twilight Captivity.
13. Return to Scout Larandia.
14. Turn in Twilight Captivity. Accept Return to Alysra
14. Do what the quest says and return to [=#4169e1]Alysra[/. Turn in [color=#cc9933]Return to Alysra[/] and accept A Prisoner of Interest.
15. Go to the Hyjal Barrow Dens northeast of the crater. Travel all the way to the bottom of the barrow dens, until you reach Captain Saynna Stormrunner. Turn in RA Prisoner of Interest.
16. Once you accept the follow up, Through the Dream, you will be moved into a separate phase. Fight your way out of the barrow dens. You will get the quest complete message when you reach the top.
17. Alysra should be right in front of you. Turn in Through the Dream and accept Return to Nordrassil.
Mount up and fly back to Ysera in the building under the World Tree.

Shrine of Goldrinn

1. Turn in Return to Nordrassil to Ysera. Accept The Return of the Ancients.
2. Mount up and fly to the road on the far side of The Verdant Thicket. You will see a small camp up on a ridge to the right of the road. Turn in The Return of the Ancients to Oomla Whitehorn. Accept Harrying the Hunters.
3. In the same camp, accept both quests from Jadi Falaryn - End of the Supply Line and In the Rear With the Gear.
4. Along the road just below the camp, kill 6 Twilight Hunters and 4 Twilight Proveditors. The hunters are the trolls off to each side of the road. The proveditors are the ogres with slaves following them.
5. There are Twilight Slavedrivers walking with the proveditors. When you kill them, the slaves following them will drop the packs they are carrying. Loot these packs to get Twilight Supplies. Keep killing slavedrivers and picking up packs until you complete In the Rear With the Gear.
6. Return to the camp and turn in Harrying the Hunters, End of the Suplly Line, and In the Rear With the Gear. Get the quest The Voice of Lo’Gosh.
7. Follow the road west until it branches. Take the fork to the right, down to a valley. If you are following the road down, continue straight, past the wolf statue, to get to Takrik Ragehowl. He is in a cage at the edge of the small pond. Turn in The Voice of Lo’Gosh and accept the follow up Howling Mad.
8. Kill Lycanthoth Vandals and loot 6 Polluted Incense from their corpses.
9. Return to Takrik Ragehowl and turn in [bHowling Mad[/b]. Accept the follow up Lycanthoth the Corruptor.
10. Go to the Maw of Lycanthoth in the southeast corner of the valley.
11. Use Lycanthoth's Incense near the altar inside the cave. This will summon Lycanthoth. Kill him to complete Lycanthoth the Corruptor. The Spirit of Lo’Gosh will appear.
12. Turn in Lycanthoth the Corruptor. You will automatically hop on his back and ride around as he cleans out the shrine. When he is finished and you have hopped off, speak to him and accept the follow up The Shrine Reclaimed.
13. You'll be in a new phase. Go to the shrine in the north area of the valley. Takrik Ragehowl has been released from his cage. Go to him and turn in The Shrine Reclaimed. Accept the quest Cleaning House.
14. In the same camp, from Rio Duran accept From the Mouth of Madness.
15. Find Royce Duskwhisper, who wanders around the camp, to get the quest The Eye of Twilight.
16. Gather 1 Bitterblossom from the plants around the edge of the pond.
17. Kill 8 Hovel Brutes for Cleaning House while completing the next steps.
18. The rest of the quests you just picked up are all done in the Twilight Hammer camp in the southwest area of the valley. Search around the base of the rock formations there to find a Stonebloom

19. Go to the brazier pictured below. Collect a Darkflame Ember from it.

20. Click on the cauldron just south of the brazier to turn in From the Mouth of Madness. Accept the followup quest Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows.
21. Turn in The Eye of Twilight at the orb outside the cave entrance. Take the followup Mastering Puppets.
22. Enter the cave. As you go through the cave, talk to 8 of the Twilight Servitors and select the dialog option available to complete Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows.
23. Stay to the left from the entrance to reach Kristoff Manheim. He'll be hanging from a meat hook in the back of the cave. Accept his quest, Gar'gol's Gotta Go.
24. Continue through the cave, hugging the wall on your left, until you reach a pedestal with a book on it. Turn in Mastering Puppets. Note the large stone In front of you.
25. Accept the quest from the book, Elementary!. This quest requires you to activate the four orb floating near the pedestal in a particular order. The correct order is as follows.
Crucible of Fire
Crucible of Earth
Crucible of Air
Crucible of Water
Be prepared to fight as soon as you click on the Crucible of Water. A Twilight Hammer cultist named The Manipulator will come out of the portal and attack. Kill him, then turn in the quest at the podium. Accept the followup Return to Duskwhisper. You will get a very useful 10 minute buff that will cause all of the ogres in the hovel to no longer be hostile unless you attack them.
26. Continue hugging the left wall until you reach the center of the cave. You will see Gar'gol, a large blue skinned ogre, sitting on a small rise. Loot a key from the chest on the rise where he is sitting to complete Gar'gol's Gotta Go. Because of the buff you received, you should not have to kill him.
27. Head back to Kristoff Manheim to turn in Gar'gol's Gotta Go. Accept Get Me Outta Here! and escort Kristoff out of the cave.
28. Once you get the quest complete message, head back to the Shrine and turn in all of your quests.
29. From Takrik Ragehowl accept Sweeping the Shelf and Lightning in a Bottle.
30. Follow the road west out of the valley, to Lightning Ledge. Kill 8 Twilight Stormcallers and 5 Howling Riftdwellers for Sweeping the Shelf.
31. Loot a Charged Condenser Jar from the lightning rods scattered around the area.

32. Use the Totem of Lo’Gosh to summon the wolf spirit. Turn in Lightning in a Bottle and accept Into the Maw!.
33. Finish killing everything Sweeping the Shelf.
34. Enter the portal in the center if the Twilight Cultists camp. You will be teleported to the Firelands Forgeworks.

35. Turn in Into the Maw!.
36. Pick up Forged of Shadow and Flame,Crushing the Cores and Rage of the Wolf Ancient.
37. Break 10 Twilight Arms Crates while completing the next step.
38. Kill 12 Dark Iron Laborers and 8 Searing Guardians. Be sure to loot the Smoldering Cores from the Guardians you kill.
39. Find a Twilight Anvil, which is usually around the edges of the cavern, and use the Smoldering Cores while standing next to it. Repeat 8 times to complete Crushing the Cores.
40. Return to the NPCs at the front of the cavern to turn in Forged of Shadow and Flame, Crushing the Cores, and Rage of the Wolf Ancient.
41. Accept Cindermaul, the Portal Master from Jordan Olafson.
42. Head west back to the center of the cavern. From the center, follow the path down to the right. In the first cavern to the left, you will find Cindermaul. Kill him, then loot the chest he leaves behind to complete Cindermaul, the Portal Master.
43. Go back to the front and turn in the quest. Pick up Forgemaster Pyrendius.
44. Forgemaster Pyrendius is a level 80 elite. He has 154k health, so don't try to fight him directly. He is standing in a circle of runes. To kill him, make sure you hit him at elast onec, then drag Pyrendius to one of those runes, click on it to activate the rune, then position Pyrendius so that he is standing on the rune. Repeat that, moving from rune to rune, until he dies.
45. Return to Jordan Olafson and turn in Forgemaster Pyrendius. Get Return from the Firelands.
46. Enter the portal behind you. This will return you the Shrine of Goldrinn. Fly back to the camp, to Ian Duran, and turn in both of the quests you have, Return from the Firelands and Sweeping the Shelf.
47. Yserra will appear in front of you. Accept in Aviana’s Legacy from her. Also accept The Fires of Mt. Hyjal from Rio Duran.

Shrine of Aviana

1. Mount up and fly Northeast to the Shrine of Aviana.
2. Stop at Dinorae Swiftfeather to get the flight point.
3. Enter the first floor of the building at the base of the tree. Head all the way to the back of the shrine to find Choluna.
4. Turn in Wings Over Mount Hyjal and accept An Offering for Aviana.
5. On the way out, speak with Thisalee Crow, who is sitting on a brazier by the entrance. Pick up both her quests, The Wormwing Problem and Scrambling for Eggs.
6. Go to the small circle of stones just outside the shrine. Use the Sacred Nectar while standing near the basin in the center of the stone circle. The Spirit of Aviana will appear. Turn in An Offering for Aviana and accept A Plea From Beyond.

7. While completing the next step, collect 8 Stolen Hyjal Eggs. They can be found around the base of the trees in the area west of the shrine.
8. Kill Wormwing Screechers and Wonrmwing Swifttalons until you complete The Wormwing Problem.
9. Return to the Shrine. At Thisalee Crow turn in The Wormwing Problem and Scrambling for Eggs. Accept A Bird in Hand.
10. In the back of the shrine, turn in A Plea From Beyond to Choluna. Accept A Prayer and a Wing.
11. Find the signal fire just west of the shrine. Use it to summon Marion Wormwing. Fight her until Thisalee Crow sneaks up behind her and captures her.

12. Once she is captured, talk to Marion Wormwing. Go through the dialogue options until you get the quest complete message for A Bird in Hand. The difference choices have no effect that I have found.
13. Get on your flying mount and fly up to the top of the ridge to the north. You will see several nests. Land in one and use the Enormous Bird Call to summon Blaithe. Kill him and loot the [=#993300]Ancient Feather[] from his corpse.
14. Return to the Shrine. Turn in A Bird in Hand to Thisalee Crow.
15. Go back to Choluna and turn in A Prayer and a Wing.
16. Go up the ramp at the front of the Shrine, and follow it up to the third tier. Pick up Fact-Finding Mission from Skylord Omnuron. We will be doing this quest later.
17. Mount up and head west, past the Shrine of Goldrinn and the Twilight Cultists camp. Follow the road until you reach the Grove of Aessina.

Grove of Aessina

1. Inside the Grove, get the quests Save the Wee Animals from Mylune and If You're Not Against Us... from Matoclaw.
2. Get the flight path from Elizil Wintermoth.
3. Leave the shrine and go slightly east up the road to a small tower. Find Tyrus Blackhorn at the base of the tower.

4. Speak to him, and go through the different conversation options to complete If You're Not Against Us....
5. Turn in the quest to Blackhorn and accept Seeds of Their Demise.
6. Kill Wailing Weeds in the area directly surrounding the tower until you get 8 Bileberry.
7. Return to Blackhorn and turn in Seeds of Their Demise. Accept A New Master.
8. Follow the road west to Laina Nightsky. Turn in The Fires of Mt. Hyjal. Accept Fighting Fire With...Anything and Disrupting the Rituals.
9. While completing the next steps, collect Panicked Bunnies and Terrified Squirrels until you complete Save the Wee Animals. Also, kill any Raging Firestorms and Twilight Inferno Lords you see.
10. Use the Bottled Bileberry Brew on one of the Twilight Inferno Lords you have killed to complete A New Master. Accept the follow up The Name Never Spoken.
11. Find the three firestones.

The Northern Firestone is located at (?,?)
The Central Firestone is located at (?,?)
The Southern Firestone is located at (?,?)
12. Finish killing Raging Firestorms and Twilight Inferno Lords until you have completed Fighting Fire With...Anything and Disrupting the Rituals. Also finish catching animals for Save the Wee Animals.
13. Return to Laina Nightsky and turn in Fighting Fire With...Anything and Disrupting the Rituals.
14. Inside the Grove, turn in Save the Wee Animals at Mylune. Accept Oh, Deer!.
15. Go back to Blackhorn's tower. Speak to Tyrus Blackhorn to turn in The Name Never Spoken.
16. Accept Black Heart of Flame.
17. Head back to the burning forest.
18. Clear an area of enemies, then use the Charred Branch to summon Thol'embar. Kill him and loot his heart to complete Black Heart of Flame.
19. Find 3 Injured Fawns. When you click on them, they will begin to follow you. Try to avoid combat if at all possible, as the Injured Fawns can be killed. Once you have 3 following you, return to Mylune to complete Oh, Deer!. Turn it in.
20. Return to Tyrus Blackhorn and turn in Black Heart of Flame.
21. Go to Laina Nightsky, just outside the Grove. Get the quest Last Stand at Whistling Grove.
22. Follow the ridge of mountains on your right, into the burning forest. They will curve around and lead you to the Whistling Grove. On the map above, it is the green area north of the burning forest.
23. Speak to Keeper Taldros to turn in Last Stand at Whistling Grove. Accept The Bears Up There.
24. Find one of the trees nearby that has small ladders around its base. Click on one of the ladders to climb into the tree. In the tree, Click on one of the bear cubs you are near to grab it. Then use the vehicle controls on your action bar to climb to the top of the tree.
Once you are at the top of the tree, you will get a new control: Chuck-a-Bear. Aim for the trampoline in front of Keeper Taldros and toss the bear cub onto it. Then climb to a lower part of the tree to get another bear cub. Repeat 6 times to complete The Bears Up There.

25. Turn in the quest to Keeper Taldros. Accept Smashing Through Ashes.
26. Head south through the burning forest until you meet up with the road. Follow the road south, making sure to kill 8 Charbringers along the way. Continue following the road until you reach the Sanctuary of Malorne.

Sanctuary of Malorne

1. At Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem turn in Smashing Through Ashes. Accept Durable Seeds. Also accept Fresh Bait.
2. Get Firebreak from Rayne Feathersongwho is standing right behind Hamuul.
As you complete the next steps, watch out for Nemesis, a level 80 Elite giant turtle who patrols all over The Flamewake.
3. Go north into The Flamewake, killing Core Hounds along the way until you have 4 Core Houndr Entrails for Fresh Bait.

4. Look for small piles of dirt on the ground. Click on them to get a Hyjal Seedling. Continue to do this until you have 10 seedlings.

5. Kill 10 Lava Surgers for Firebreak.
6. Return to the Sanctuary of Malorne and turn in all your quests. Accept Hell's Shells from Hamuul and Prepping the Soil from Rayne.
7. Get on your flying mount and fly around The Flamewake until you find Nemesis. Land a safe distance away and place the Heap of Core Hound Innards on the ground so that Nemesis walks near them. Once Nemesis gets in range of the Innards, he will begin to eat them, allowing you to run up to him and collect the shell fragment by clicking on him. As soon as you have the fragment, quickly get on your mount to get away before he attacks you..
8. Head to a small area in the south part of The Flamewake, almost directly east of the Sanctuary of Malorne. You will be in front of a cave entrance. Find the Flameward at (?,?). Clear the area of any enemies that might attack you then right-click on the Flameward to activate it. Defend the Flameward from anything that comes out to attack it. After about a minute, the Flameward will be fully activated, which will kill any remaining enemies around it.
9. Enter the cave south of the Flameward. Go through the tunnel to find Thisalee Crow. Turn in Fact-Finding Mission. Accept Sethria's Brood and A Gap in Their Armor.
10. Follow the path south kill 12 of the Twilight Dragonkin. Avoid the Twilight Juggernauts for now.
While doing that, collect 8 8 Twilight Armor Plates.
11. In the center of the camp, you will find a pedestal with a book on it. Click on the book and accept the quest The Codex of Shadows.

12. Finish killing dragonkin for Sethria's Brood and collecting armor plates for and A Gap in Their Armor.
13. Return to Thisalee Crow and turn in Sthria's Brood, The Codex of Shadows and and A Gap in Their Armor.
14. Accept Egg Hunt and Disassembly.
15. Back into the camp. Find a Twilight Juggernaut. Use Thisalee's Shiv on him to break his armor, then kill him. You can use the Shiv multiple times to further decrease his armor. Repeat this two more times.
16. Find one of the Shadow Cloak Generators.

Click on it to deactivate it. Keep doing this until you find Aviana's egg. Once you find the egg, you must defend it until the druids come to collect it. So just kill anything that comes after the egg until you get the quest complete message for Egg Hunt.
17. Return to Thisalee and turn in Egg Hunt and Disassembly. Accept Sethria's Demise.
18. Get on your flying mount and fly far to the south (?,?), where you will find Sethria. Attack her until she changes into her dragon form. When she does, use Thisalee's Signal Rocket to summon the Druids of the Talon to help you defeat her. She will occasionally place a shadow fissure on the ground around. Move out of it as soon as you see it to avoid massive damage.
Once she has died, return to Thisalee Crow to turn in Sethria's Demise.
19. Accept Return to the Shrine.
20. Fly back to the Shrine of Malorne and turn in Prepping the Soil and Hell's Shells. Accept Tortolla Speaks.
21. Fly to Torolla, who is chained on the far side of the lake at (?,?). Turn in Tortolla Speaks.
22. Accept Breaking the Bonds and Children of Tortolla.
23. Jump into the lake and swim down. Kill the Deep Corruptors to rescue the eggs they are near. Do this 6 times to complete Children of Tortolla.
24. Go back to Tortolla. Use the giant rod to your left to break the chain holding Tortola and summon a Twilight Dominator. Kill him, then repeat on the other rod to the right to complete Breaking the Bonds.
25. Speak to Tortolla and turn in both quests.
26. Accept An Ancient Awakens. Fly back to the Sanctuary of Malorne.
27. Turn in An Ancient Awakens.
28. Fly back to the Shrine of Aviana. Find Choluna in the back. Turn in Return to the Shrine. Accept An Ancient Reborn.
29. Go up the ramp to your right, into a small room where you will find Aviana's Egg. Use the Herald's Incense near the egg to resurrect Aviana.
30. Turn in An Ancient Reborn to Aviana. Accept The Hatchery Must Burn.
31. Ysera will appear next to Aviana. Accept Accept The Last Living Lorekeeper.
32. Fly back down into The Flamewake. Enter the large portal in the center to be teleported to the Firelands Hatchery.
33. Turn in The Hatchery Must Burn to Farden Talonshrike. Accept Flight in the Firelands.
34. Loot a Twilight Firelance from one of the weapon ranks behind Farden. Equip it and jump on one of the Aviana's Guardians nearby.
Flight does not work the normal way on these mounts. You must use the Flap ability to make them move forward AND stay in the air. You will move forward and gain altitude the more you use the ability.
Fly to one of the flags on any the ledges in the cavern, then fly back to complete the quest.
35. Turn in Flight in the Firelands. Accept Wave One.
36. Using the same controls, fly into the center of the cavern. You will see many Twilight Buzzards flying around. "Kill" them by running onto the buzzards with your mount. Do this 10 times to complete Wave One.
37. Fly back up to the ledge with Farden Talonshrike. Turn in the quest and accept the follow up Wave Two.
This quest is exactly the same as the last one, except now there are flaming boulders falling from the sky that you must dodge. If your mount gets killed, there are replacement mounts at the bottom of the cavern.
Once you have killed 10 Twilight Lancers, fly back up to Farden's ledge.
39. Turn in Wave Two. Accept Egg Wave.
This quest is much easier. Still using the same controls, fly over to the ledges around the room and run over the eggs that are on them. Return to Farden once you have smashed 40 eggs.
40. Turn in Egg Wave. Accept Return to Aviana. Make sure to re-equip your weapon. Use the portal across the bride to the east to teleport back to The Flamewake.
41. Find Nordu on a rise just north of the Sanctuary of Malorne. Turn in The Last Living Lorekeeper.
42. Accept Firefight.
43. Kill 5 Firey Tormentors nearby. Return to Nordu when you are finished.
44. Turn in Firefight. Accept Aessina's Miracle.
45. Return to Aviana at the Shrine of Aviana.
46. Turn in Return to Aviana.
47. Fly back to the Grove of Aessina. Speak to Arch Druid Hamuul to turn in Aessina's Miracle.
48. When the event finishes, accept Tortolla's Revenge from Arch Druid Hamuul.
49. Follow the road through the newly restored forest until you reach Tortolla. Turn in Tortolla's Revenge.

The Scorched Plain

1. Accept The Hammer and the Key from Tortolla. From Niden, a nightelf sitting on the ground next to Tortolla, accept Breakthrough and Lost Wardens.
2. Follow the road east into The Scorched Plain.
3. While completing the next steps, find and speak to 8 Lost Wardens to complete Lost Wardens.

4. Kill 10 Twilight Scorchlords
5.Continue to follow the road east until you reach a building with nightelves fighting around it. Go inside to find Captain Irontree.
6. Turn in Lost Wardens and Breakthrough. Accept Pressing the Advantage.
7. Speak to Logram up the ramp behind Captain Irontree. Accept Hyjal Recycling Program.
8. While completing the next step, collect 15 Warden's Arrows.

9. Kill 4 Twilight Field Captains. Be sure to loot a Glyph of Opening off one of them to complete The Hammer and the Key.
10. Return to Tortolla. Turn in The Hammer and the Key. Accept The Third Flamegate (even though it is the fourth one we are going in).
11. Fly back to Captain Irontree. Turn in Pressing the Advantage. At Logram, turn in Hyjal Recycling Program.
12. Go farther down the road, to the east, until you reach another flamegate. Enter it to be teleported to The Crucible of Flame.
13. Speak to Garunda Mountainpeak. Turn in The Third Flamegate. Accept The Time for Mercy has Passed and The Strength of Tortolla.
14. Make your way through the cavern, killing Molten Tormentors and Shadowflame Masters along the way, until you find a Nemesis Crystal. Move the Cild of Tortolla following you close to the crystal and he will automatically examine it.
Make sure you have killed 10 Molten Tormentors and 4 Shadowflame Masters before moving to the next step.
15. Return to the front of the cavern, and turn in The Time for Mercy has Passed and The Strength of Tortolla. Accept Finish Nemesis.
16. Time to fight the giant turtle we have been dodging all this time. Go all the way to the end of the cave, where you will find Nemesis. Attack him until you get the message "Nemesis is about to erupt!" When you see that, use the Totem of Tortolla to place a shield around yourself, protecting you from damage but also preventing any movement or attacks by you. Nemesis will erupt in flames, damaging himself and everything around him. Repeat this sequence of attacking and shielding until Nemesis is dead.
17. Return to Garunda Mountainpeak at the front of the cavern to turn in Finish Nemesis.
18. Accept Tortolla's Triumph. Use the portal nearby to teleport back to The Scorched Plain.
19. Follow the road, heading west, all the way back to Tortolla.
20. Turn in Tortolla's Triumph. Accept The Ancients are With Us.
21. Return to Ysera in the building under The World Tree.
22. Turn in The Ancients are With Us. Accept Commander Jarod Shadowsong.

Darkwhisper Gorge

1. Fly south and down from The World Tree, until you are back at the third flamegate. From there, follow the road east to a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel you will find Elementalist Ortell.
2. Turn in Jarod Shadowsong and accept Signed in Blood.
3. Follow the road out of the cave until you reach a small group of Twilight Recruits. Speak to one of the recruits to get him to follow you.
4. Lead him out of sight of the rest of the group and use the Blackjack on the recruit. This will kill him. Loot the Twilight Recruitment Papers.
5. Return to Elementalist Ortell and turn in Signed in Blood. Accept Your New Identity. Congratulations, you are now a member of the Twilight's Hammer cult!
6. Head east down the road until it splits off to the north and south. There will be a small path continuing east. Follow it to a tent where you will find Condenna the Pitiless.
7. Speak to her to turn in Your New Identity. Accept Trial by Fire and In Bloom.
8. Right next to Conenna, speak to Instructor Cargall to get the quest Waste of Flesh.
During the next steps, watch out for a giant core hound named Smolderos the Carbonizer, a level 82 Elite that patrols through the area.
9. Enter the Twilight Gauntlet just to the east. In this area, you need to kill 8 Twilight Instructors, which are the fire elementals wandering around.
10. While doing this, you also need to collect 5 Flame Blossoms

11. Find an Immolated Supplicant that are running around covered in fire. Use the Frostgale Crystal on them to put out the flames.
12. Once all three quests are complete, return to Condeena the Pitiless and Instructor Cargall. Turn in all of the quests.
13. Accept the quest Twilight Training.
14. Head east to The Forge of Supplication. Find Instructor Mylva at the back of the camp.
15. Turn in Twilight Training. Accept Physical Training: Forced Labor.
16. Closer to the front of the camp, slightly to the east, find Instructor Devoran. Speak to him to accept the quest Walking the Dog.
17. Finally, go to the Outhouse Hideout on the west side of the camp. Elementalist Ortell is hiding inside. Click on the outhouse to get the quest Gather the Intelligence.
18. Search the camp until you find the Twilight Communique. It can be just about anywhere in the camp so just keep looking around until you find it. Try to grab it when none of the Twilight Guards are close by. If they see you take the communiqué they will attack.
19. Leave the camp. Head northeast, toward the other camp, Doom's Vigil. On the way, kill Spinescale Basilisks until you have 5 Charred Basilisk Meat and use the Twilight Pick on 5 Darkwhisper Lodestones.

20. Find the Hyjal Battleplans somewhere in the Doom's Vigil camp. Again, try to make sure no Twilight Guards are nearby, otherwise you will be attacked.
21. Once you have found the battleplans, head back toward The Forge of Supplication. Be sure to finish getting the 5 Charred Basilisk Meat and breaking 5 lodestones on the way, if you have not already done so.
22. Once back in the camp, use the Firey Leash to summon the Spawn of Smolderos. Feed him the 5 Charred Basilisk Meat you collected to complete Walking the Dog.
23. Go back to Instructor Devoran and turn in Walking the Dog. Accept A Champion's Collar.
24. Next, go back to the Outhouse Hideout and turn in Gather the Intelligence. Accept Seeds of Discord.
25. Finally, go back to Instructor Mylva to turn in Physical Training: Forced Labor.
Before you accept the follow up, let me explain what you will have to do. As soon as you accept the quest, Mylva will summon a Blazing Trainer. You need to run away from the trainer for 1 minute without leaving the camp. He does not move very fast, but if he catches you he can hit moderately hard. So be ready to start running when you accept the quest.
26. Accept Agility Training: Run Like Hell!. When you have completed the quest, return to Instructor Mylva and turn it in.
27. Accept Mental Training: Speaking the Truth to Power.
28. Use the Orb of Ascension. You will be asked 10 yes/no questions. The questions are simple and the answers are VERY obvious. Your action bar will be replaced with 3 abilities: Yes, No, and Dismiss Orb of Ascension. Use these to answer the questions within three seconds. If you answer a question wrong or fail to answer in time, you will take damage. Dismiss the Orb once you get the quest completed message.
29. Turn in Mental Training: Speaking the Truth to Power. Accept Spiritual Training: Mercy is for the Weak.
30. Go back to Doom's Vigil. To your left as you enter the camp, you will see a group of Failed Supplicants. At the back of the group, talk to Maurice and accept the quest The Defector.
31. Kill 5 Failed Supplicants to complete Spiritual Training: Mercy is for the Weak.
32. Leave the camp and follow the road when it turns north. You will find the Spinescale Matriarch at (?,?). Kill her and loot the Spiked Basilisk Hide for A Champion's Collar.
33. Return to Instructor Devoran at The Forge of Supplication. Turn in A Champion's Collar. Accept Grudge Match.
34. Leave the camp and go to the Seat of the Chosen. Go to the first building on your left as you enter the camp.
35. Speak to Gromm'ko to challenge him to a match. Once your core hound pup kills his raptor, Gromm'ko will attack you. Kill him to complete Grudge Match.
36. Go to the Ogre Outhouse on the right side of the large building. Use the Ogre Disguise near the outhouse to transform into an ogre. Enter the large building.
37. Speak to Karr'gonn to get him to leave the room. As soon as he is outside, kill High Cultist Azennios.
38. Head back to The Forge of Supplication. Turn in Grudge Match to Instructor Devoran.
39. At the Outhouse Hideout, turn in Seeds of Discord and The Defector.
40. Go to Instructor Mylva and turn in Spiritual Training: Mercy is for the Weak.
41. Accept The Greater of Two Evils and Twilight Territory.
42. Mount up and head east, past the Gates of Sothann, to about (?,?).
43. Kill 10 Horrorgurds while making your way back toward (?,?), where you will find Garnoth, Fist of the Legion

44. Use the Talisman of Flame Ascendancy and use the abilities you now have to kill Garnoth. Start off the fight by using Flame Shield to protect yourself, the use Ascendant Strike 3 times to attack Garnoth. Repeat this rotation until he is dead.
45. Finish killing Horrorgurds for Twilight Territory.
46. Return to the The Forge of Supplication. Speak to Instructor Mylva and turn in The Greater of Two Evils and Twilight Territory.
47. A new quest has opened up at the Outhouse Hideout behind you. Accept Speech Writing for Dummies.
48. Search around the roads leading to the Seat of the Chosen until you find Okrog. Kill him, then fly back to the Outhouse Hideout.
49. Turn in Speech Writing for Dummies and accept Head of the Class.
50. Turn in Head of the Class at Instructor Mylva. Accept Graduation Speech.
51. Fly over to Doom's Vigil. You will find a podium all the way at the back of the camp. Click on it to start the event.
During this event, you will have to use 3 abilities depending on the crowd's mood. These abilities are: Inspire, Incite, and Pander.
The members of the crowd will say different things depending on their mood. Wait until a random crowd member says something, then use the abilities as follows.
Use Inspire if the crowd says...
* Yea... I don't know about this.
* I'm not quite convinced.
* *yawn*
* Meh.
Use Incite if the crowd says
* Kill!!!
* Kill them all!
* Blood!
* Raaahhh!!!!
* Death!
* Crush!
Use Pander if the crowd says
* It's like... it's like the void just touched my mind.
* The end is nigh! The end is a new beginning!
* Immalanath, yasoth nalarub!!!
* I hear the voices!
Once you have made the correct choice 10 times, the crowd will riot, allowing you to rescue Jarod Shadowsong. Speak to him to turn in Graduation Speech. Accept Twilight Riot.

The Throne of Flame

1. Mount up and fly past the Gates of Sothann, to the island in the middle of the lake. Speak to the green dragon Althera to get the flight point.
2. Speak to Commander Jarod Shadowsong to turn in Twilight Riot. Accept Slash and Burn.
3. Get on one of the Emerald Drakes nearby. Fly east back into Darkwhisper Gorge. Use the Acid Blast ability on any ground units you see until you have killed 40 Twilight's Hammer units, and the Aerial Swipe ability on 5 of the Twilight Stormwakers, the twilight dragons flying around.
4. Fly back to the Gates of Sothann. Talk to Commander Jarod Shadowsong and turn in Slash and Burn.
5. Accept Might of the Firelord from Jarod Shadowsong and Secrets of the Flame from Cenarius.
6. Speak to the green dragon Althera to get the flight point.
7. Fly west to Ascendant's Circle. Kill 4 Flame Ascendants and 5 Twilight Subjugators.
8. You should have looted a Pure Twilight Egg from one of the Twilight Subjugators you killed. If you do not have it yet, keep killing Twilight Subjugators until you get it. Click on it to accept the quest The Twilight Egg.
Until I can get coordinates for the three items, the best I can tell you is look all over the camp. They are not terribly hard to find. I'll add the coodinates as soon as I can.
9. Go to (?,?) and get The Burning Litanies.
10. Go to (?,?) and get the Tome of Flame.
11. Go to (?,?) and get the Ascendant's Codex.
12. Fly back to the Gates of Sothann.
13. Turn in Might of the Firelord at Jarod Shadowsong. Accept The Sanctum of the Prophets
14. Turn in Secrets of the Flame to Cenarius. Accept The Gatekeeper.
15. Turn in The Twilight Egg to Aronus. Accept Brood of Evil.
16. Fly back to Ascendant's Circle. Kill a Young Twilight Drake and loot his skull for Brood of Evil.
17. Fly to the camp north of Ascendant's Circle. Kill everything you need for The Sanctum of the Prophets.
18. Find Azralon the Gatekeeper in the northwest end of the camp. Make sure you are at full health/mana. Attack him and immediately use the Horn of Cenarius to summon Goldrinn and a group of druids to help you kill him.
19. Once he is dear, click the “Quest Complete” notification to turn in The Gatekeeper. Accept The Firelord.
20. Return to Aronus and turn in Brood of Evil. Accept Death to the Broodmother. Also turn in The Sanctum of the Prophets and accept Magma Monarch.
21. Fly to the matriarch's feeding ground just southwest of Ascendant's Circle.
22. Use the Young Twilight Drake Skull to summon Desperiona. Kill her to complete Death to the Broodmother. Aronus and Aviana come to help so don't panic when she appears.
23. Fly to the charred area southwest of Sulferon Spire. Find King Moltron. Land near him and use the Drums of the Turtle God to summon Tortolla. Kill King Moltron to complete Magma Monarch.
Note: The next quest is, as of this writing, severely over-tuned, to the point that a 5-man group would have difficulty completing it even though it is not a group quest. I was able to get it done with a lot of help, but it should be adjusted by the time Cataclysm goes live. If not I will adjust the description of the quest to indicate that you need a group.
24. It's finally time to fight Ragnaros. Fly to the flamegate just past where you fought Azralon. Enter the portal and speak to Cenarius to start the battle. Malfurion Stormrage and Arch Druid Hamuul some to help out as well.
Once the battle starts, Cenarius will hold threat on Ragnaros, while Hamuul and Malfurion cast spells on him that cause Ragnaros to take 2000% increased magic and physical damage.
Every 30 secods or so, Ragnaros will submerge and summon a flame wave. Once the flame wave passes, Ragnaros will summon adds that attack Malfurion and Hamuul. Alternate between keeping the adds clear and DPS'ing Ragnaros until he dies.
Once he is finished off, go back through the portal to be teleported back to the Throne of Flame.
25. Fly back to the Gates of Sothann and turn in Death to the Broodmother, Magma Monarch and The Firelord . ]. Accept The Battle is Won, The War Goes On.
26. Take the flightpath to Orgrimmar